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Freenit is framework made to automate all your WEB dev work. It is made of tree parts:

  • Designer to speed up design and UI work
  • Frontend library based on Svelte
  • Backend library based on FastAPI

The idea is to automate and integrate as much as possible and let you be just creative and concentrate on important stuff. Usual workflow is to use designer as drag and drop tool for UI and export it as code. While working on it, saving your work in .json format enables you to save it in git and easily "rewind" to the UI design at a certain point. When code is exported from such .json file, it is pixel-perfect UI, but still not perfect code. Running npm run format will help. You will still need to adjust the code to add integration with backend, but it is in the best shape generic code can be. Once you reshape the code to your liking, data variable in such code can serve as format of messages frontend expect from backend. The backend work is usually in two parts: DB models and API endpoints. In all of this code snippets will help you if you use VSCode or LunarVim (list of supported editors will expand over time).

All of this is just words. Dive into tutorial to see what Freenit is really about.

Bootstrap the Project

The first thing to do is create the project itself. First, make sure you have tmux installed, as Freenit uses it to run different services (backend and frontend, currently, but you can add more later).

$ freenit
Name of the project: myproject
Creating project
Creating bin
Creating services
Creating backend
Success! Please edit!
Creating frontend
Which Svelte app template?
  SvelteKit demo app
Add type checking with TypeScript?
  Yes, using TypeScript syntax
Select additional options (use arrow keys/space bar)
  Add ESLint for code linting
  Add Prettier for code formatting
  Add Vitest for unit testing

This will create the directory myproject and initialize it. Let's start the project.

$ cd myproject
$ bin/

At this point you'll be presented with a split screen: one for backend, one for frontend. At that screen, you'll see URLs for both services. The interesting one is http://localhost:5173. If you visit it, it will greet you with a message Landing Page in src/routes/+page.svelte. That is usually the first page you will change.